2014 Open House

Here we are, October, the air is getting cooler, the leaves are turning, the sun is setting sooner each and every day…and we are hard at work planning and preparing for our upcoming 20th Annual Open House, our 2nd one in our World Headquarters that we moved into last year.  It’s always an exciting time of year for us as we come out of our slower summer months and move into the busiest time of year.  As soon as the Autumn chill is in the air, that’s when the Adirondack Candle Company comes to life each year like a butterfly exiting its cocoon.

While we remain busy during our slow retail months (summer time) with our Wholesale business (the stores in tourist locations that offer our candles), the Fall season is a very busy time for us with our Retail end of our business.

Our store looks nice and busy!

Our store looks nice and busy!

Our Annual Open house is always a very fun time of year for us, even though it’s a great deal of work to prepare for it.  Continue reading

2014 Summer Hours

Summer for us is typically a very slow time of year.  Well, actually it’s a very busy time of year for our Wholesale side of the business as we cater to our many, many stores that offer our quality candles to their customers, but for us here in our little neck of the woods, it’s a slow time of year for “walk in traffic”.

You see, we’re not situated on the shores of a cool Adirondack Lake where thousands upon thousands of people walk by our store as they vacation someplace in the beautiful Adirondack Park.  Nope, we just don’t get that “draw” of people past our little shop…rather, they seem to all be in those locations where we offer our candles to other stores.

So, starting Memorial Weekend and going all the way through the summer months, we will be “Open By Appointment” only (call 518-399-8831).  Please know however that we WILL be more than happy to have you stop by and get any/all of our great candles anytime you’d like…we just ask that you call us first (518-399-8831) and set up an appointment that works for both you and us, and then we will be happy to accommodate your needs.

Summer is a time that we ALL want to enjoy ourselves doing all those fun things we all do in the summer.  It’s a time for all of us to “regroup” and recharge our batteries.  We’re no different, and rather than sit in a shop waiting and hoping for someone to come through the door, well, we just figured this would work best for all of us and allow YOU to enjoy your summer months and for US to enjoy ours too, all while making  sure you get your candles anytime you want – just by appointment during those summer months.

Don’t misunderstand…we will continue to be working making our products and planning for those Very Busy Fall Months that will be here before you know it.

So…Memorial Weekend through End of August…we will be “Open By Appointment Only”.
We hope you understand and we look forward to serving you the moment you call us at 518-399-8831 for any and all needs you may have.

Options during the Summer:
Call for appointment at Store – 518-399-8831
Order OnLine on our website at www.AdirondackCandle.com and have your order shipped to you or ready for your pick up.

Thanks for your understanding…enjoy your summer, be safe, make some great memories with your Families!

Lane & Cathy,
your Adirondack Guides

Newest Additions

New scentsWe are well underway into our “20th Anniversary Celebration” year and we are proud to announce some new additions to our line up for your enjoyment.

Pictured to your right are the newest additions (from left to right) “Grassy Meadows”, “Adirondack Trail”, “Harvest” and “Pines of Saratoga”.  We are very excited to have these newest scents to offer you and we are hopeful they become “fan favorites” quickly with you all.

Typically we might add a new scent here or there – so this is pretty exciting to start a new year with not just one new scent but with 4 brand new scents.  Yup, pretty exciting. Continue reading

2014…20th Anniversary

So, here we are as we creep slowly into 2014 and we celebrate our 20th Year in business!  How many companies survive the first couple years, let alone keep moving forward 20 years later?

Let’s take a look back at when/why/where it all started, shall we?



The year was 1993 and our Twins (Michael and Christina) were only 2 years old and scurrying around at our feet.  We had always enjoyed the candles we would buy from that “big name candle company” but money was tight as we started our family and were also working on remodeling our home — so, I thought “how hard  could it be to make a candle?”. Continue reading

Successful Year -Thank you!

ADK xmasMerry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all, our valued and treasured candle family friends.  We want to wish you all Health and Happiness as we move out of 2013 and into, what we hope will be, a really great 2014 for all of us.

2013 saw many changes for us here at the Adirondack Candle Company.  We started our little candle company in the kitchen of our home waaaay back in 1994, quickly branched out into our basement…and proceeded to stay there for the next 19 years.  Continue reading

A new start

It’s Wednesday November 6th, and it’s the eve of the 19th Annual Open House…except this year what has always been routine for us is now changed up and totally different.
You see, for the first time in 18 years we are no longer a “Home Based Business” and our Open House is not being held in our home.
We are now officially out of our comfort zone! Continue reading

New Web site

Hello Candle friends,

I write this knowing that you will NOT be able to see this when I post it.  You see, I’m redesigning our website and at the moment this blog is “off-line” and unavailable for you to see, but I thought I’d put my thoughts to paper anyway so you can always look back and read it later to catch up. Continue reading

Out with the Old…in with the New!

Out with the Old…in with the New!

So 2010 is fast coming to a close and 2011 is coming equally as fast right around the corner. While the old year was overall a pretty good year, we’re VERY excited in regards to how the start of the year is already shaping up.  A personal friend of ours who is the owner of an Office Supply company has approached us about partnering with them to offer all their customers an opportunity to purchase our Adirondack Candles for their offices/work place.  This is a market that we are not currently in, but which the major candle companies are in, in other areas.  We are very excited about this new marketing niche and the potential expansion of Adirondack Candle Company candles into a bigger segment of the market. Continue reading

Hi…my name is Lane, I own a Candle Company, and I make people happy!

Hi…my name is Lane, I own a Candle Company, and I make people happy!
Well, truth be told my wife Cathy and I own a Candle Company and WE make people happy.  It’s very cool how such a simple thing actually does make people very happy.  We are told this all the time yet sometimes you have to sit back and let it sink in to then realize how true it really is.

Cathy and I often joke how through the years we’ve had people literally come to our front door stating “I need a candle”…we jokingly call this our Candle Crack house where people come to the door needing a fix.  We are happy to oblige, as we love that people are addicted and need more.

There’s so many worse things people could be addicted to.  We are honored to make so many people happy.