We are well underway into our “20th Anniversary Celebration” year and we are proud to announce some new additions to our line up for your enjoyment.
Pictured to your right are the newest additions (from left to right) “Grassy Meadows”, “Adirondack Trail”, “Harvest” and “Pines of Saratoga”. We are very excited to have these newest scents to offer you and we are hopeful they become “fan favorites” quickly with you all.
Typically we might add a new scent here or there – so this is pretty exciting to start a new year with not just one new scent but with 4 brand new scents. Yup, pretty exciting.
The year continues, a year of celebrating our 20 years in the business….something we are very proud of and eager to celebrate with you all.
As is often the case, some of these new scents were ideas given to us as suggestions for new scents to be looked at by us and hopefully added. The most exciting one was the “Grassy Meadows” scent. Someone very close to us..okay, truth be told she is our leading candle maker for us, asked us to please consider the “Fresh Cut Grass” scent from that large candle company (we hate to mention their name). We continually tried to dodge this request thinking who would want to have a smell of fresh cut grass? But we were worn down and decided to get some samples and test it out. We are never afraid to admit when we are wrong about something…and we were wrong about this one. After testing it, we too decided that it was truly a very fresh and awesome smell and decided to add it to our growing list of scents we offer. As is always the case, we can’t use the original name that other company uses…and we always like to try and come up with something more in the “Adirondack theme” we try to stick to, so we came up with the “Grassy Meadows” scent name. Give this one a try, we really think you’ll love it!
“Adirondack Trail” is an “acorn” smell…but don’t let that frighten you, it’s also a very fresh and invigorating scent, one destined to be a favorite of many.
“Harvest”…now this one we actually combined a bunch of scents we already had for other candles. It’s a combination of “Vanilla”, Warm Pumpkin Pie”, Spiced Clove” and “Cinnamon”. Truly, truly a scent that reminds you of the Harvest time of year with so many aromatic Fall type scents. Really beautiful.
Last but not least is “Pines of Saratoga”. A unique Pine scent that will absolutely make you think you are walking underneath and in the midst of those “heaven reaching” Tall Pines of that beautiful city of Saratoga, just south of the Great Adirondack Park. You will love this scent.
So, stay tuned, it’s early in 2014 and we have truly just begun our celebration. But we couldn’t be celebrating if it weren’t for the fact that we are in business in our 20th year simply because of YOU, our loyal fans. We truly “Thank You” for all that you have given us and we hope we can continue to serve you and all your friends well into the next 20 years. Please, if you haven’t already, please introduce all your friends to us. Please share us with the World.
Thank you very much. Lane and Cathy, your Adirondack Guides