So, here we are trying to rest up after the first 3 days of being open in our new location for the Adirondack Candle Company.
Yup…after 19 years we took the “leap of faith” and took the business out of our home where it was created and then grew for all these years. It couldn’t be what we wanted – what we needed – it to be if we didn’t take the plunge and try to make it something beyond a Home Based Business.
We’ve moved it to 12 Main St. Ballston Lake, NY (in the Chemcept bldg across and kitty corner to Carney’s Restaurant) and we just opened up the front part of the location to our first Retail space. We used the launch of the retail business to coincide with the ever popular “Open House” we’ve had for so many years in our home…and we think it was very well received. We had so many compliments and words of encouragement, and so many “Thanks for staying in business” comments that it’s really energized us and motivated us even further to continue this journey to heights yet unknown.
But, we now need YOUR help to get us to that next level. We’ve done what you’ve always asked us to do for so many years, we went “Brick and Mortar”. It was not an easy decision, in fact it was a scary and terrifying decision in many ways because it’s all “Risk and Reward” in this Entrepreneur game we call small business. I know we make it look easy….but it’s not for anybody hoping to make a dream come true. So, we’ve done the hard part and now the real work…the everyday work is what’s at hand. To do this next step we truly need YOUR help in sharing us with the world, sharing us with your friends and their friends, sharing us in anyway you can think of so that we can continue to grow and bring more to you.
We’re almost into the Holiday season, a season filled with gift giving and gathering with friends. Instead of all those “useless” gifts that get given this time of year, why not give something different – a gift from a “Local small business” instead of something that’s “made in China” (or elsewhere!). Why not tell your friends about this little hard working candle company that created a product, a business, in their kitchen oh so many years ago and who is now trying to succeed on a larger scale? Why not keep the dollars “in the community” and benefit someone other than the big guys in retail?
We need your help in spreading the word about that little candle company that nobody typically has heard of but which is less expensive that those big candle companies, and is a local company with ties and roots in YOUR community.
The Adirondack Candle Company wants and needs YOUR help in allowing us the opportunity to grow and succeed in the community in which we live, the community in which YOU live.
We will be open Saturdays 11am-5pm for now as we get our feet wet and figure out this thing called “retail sales”. It’s new to us, but with YOUR help and YOUR support, and the support of all your friends you refer to us, we KNOW we CAN succeed and grow.
We want to thank you for all your years of support, but don’t ease up now for now is the time for both you and us to work even harder to make this Adirondack Candle Company known within our community and far beyond!
May you ALL be as blessed as we feel we are each and every day.
We hope in some small way we also inspire each and every one of you who might have a dream to do something to go ahead and give it a try. It’s so very cool working to make your dreams come true and so rewarding to be on this journey. Anybody can do it, you just need a dream and some hard work and desire. We encourage you to try, and keep trying
So, for now we just ask that you tell all your friends and have them tell their friends about the Adirondack Candle Company. We want everyone to know and experience the Adirondack Candle Company experience!!
THANK YOU for the last 19 years, and thank you for whatever lies ahead. We couldn’t do it without YOU!!!!
Lane and Cathy, your Adirondack Guides.
Adirondack Candle Company
Ph: 518-399-8831
Twitter: @AdkCandle